1. Abstract
This paper introduces the basic
rules for business ethics and morality, what it really means and how it should
be upheld. It also reviews how the mindsets of both parties differ though the
motivation is similar. Coupled with information on investment frauds and the
utilization of gray areas, this paper aims to better prepare readers in an
event of a business or investment venture. It goes into detail the different
things that need to be considered and certain signs to look out for that could
very well spell danger.
Investment fraud has always been a
prevalent problem throughout the entire world, and it is still rampant in this
modern day and age. Unlike any other crime, namely stealing, robbery, or
embezzlement, investment fraud is something that cannot be classified as an
illegal deed. Due to the fact that the ones behind these frauds are covered by
certain gray areas between the law and morality, they are able to get away with
the money on the basis that the investment has failed. Business ethics are a
set of moral code of conduct that businesses use to regulate its decisions.
Investment firms without proper ethics tend to look toward cheating or taking
advantage of others. Since ethics cannot be defined into clear cut rules and
regulations, nor are they bound by law, it is up to the business to decide
whether they will uphold it or not. In fact, some investment firms actually
start out with the goal of cheating people in the long run.
There are many famous investment
frauds that people usually fall into, usually lured into them by their high
return rates. As my dad and I have had experience in this before, the purpose
of this report is to redefine this important issue called business ethics,
identify its boundaries and not only make it easy to understand, but easily
accessible to people who are looking to earn quick money without knowing the consequences
that might come along should they fall into this trap. Through knowing the
business ethics that investment firms should uphold, people can then evaluate
their decisions before fully committing to an investment.
This analytical research paper is
only limited to frauds with regards to investments as it is the easiest form of
earning money without actual labor. This is the main reason why almost everyone
in the world who has savings would be tempted into investing for the sake of
letting their money do the work. However, many people who go into these
investments do not know much nor have any prior knowledge of such frauds. In
this report, I will go into the different aspects of frauds, what kind of
morality an investment firm should have, and what signs investors have to look
out for before committing to an investment. These would then shape into the
boundary that business ethics should have.
As a student, even with an
experience in investment fraud, I am only able to do a research based on my
experience and the findings of others. These information provided may or may
not be applicable to every investment deal available, however it could prove to
be a good rough gauge to people starting out in the investment field.
Collected Data
for Evaluation
The articles mentioned and used for
this research are mainly with regards to ethics used within business, the
certain rules that businesses should follow, and how gray areas are sometimes
misused for the benefit of companies and firms. Apart from that, research was
also done on the certain types of investment frauds and scams that are
popularized and widely used. Information being used in this report is mainly
centered on how these gray areas are able to protect the people orchestrating
these frauds whilst the investors are left with nothing but an unhelpful
Ethics and Morality
a. The Rules of Ethics
The 23 rules of
ethics as stated in Rules or Principles of Business Ethics as defined by Gaurav
Akrani simply put, are the few rules that companies should at least try to
uphold whilst doing business, however not everyone goes into business looking
to make steady income throughout the years. Every single person has ever had
the dream of striking it big and becoming a wealthy businessman. Out of these
23 rules in Appendix A, 21 of them concerns customers and consumers and this
therefore leads us to the assumption that since all these have to be mentioned,
there are many gray areas in a business transaction that isn’t regulated by the
The main gist in
all these rules is pointing the business to work for the benefit of everyone
around and not just for the sake of self-interest. Although it is not how the
world works, it is a good reminder for readers that these are the rules that
should be upheld in any type of business setting, and if anything seems
different or suspicious, further progress in the investment should not take
It is true that
sometimes the law is unable to tackle these unscrupulous fraud tactics and
therefore it is up to the investor to judge and evaluate the situation before
making a move. The 23 rules stated above in Appendix A can act as a guideline
for what business owners should be advocating and it will help evaluate if
values and morals are maintained. Of course, it is not totally fool-proof, as
per anything in this world, and would require certain risk taking.
b. Different Mindsets
The main
difference in why firms tend to look toward cheats and frauds is solely due to
the fact that corporate success and corporate responsibility do not coincide at
all. To put words into simpler meanings: Ethics does not always pay. Having to
align success with responsibility is one of the main challenges that many
corporate firms face and even use it as a key process indicator for good
management. (Business Ethics and the Golden Rule, Andreas Suchanek, 3/2008).
The way investors think and the way business owners think are totally
different. As an investor, you are viewing your contribution as a loan, whereby
you will receive what you have loaned out with a certain rate of interest back
after the term is over. As an immoral business owner, however, they look at how
they are able to go to a point where the amount of money will get transferred
into owner’s equity whereby it is untouchable in an event of a lawsuit.
One of the main
factors in which law cannot play a role in this is because morality is
subjective. What may be wrong to a person may be right to another. Although
that is true, there are some social rules that one has to follow, even if it is
morally different. The issue behind different ethical mentality is in how
people perceive this thing called self-interest. When a party goes into
business, no matter which side, rather than going for a win-win, they push
toward a method that might bring about a win for their side, regardless of
whether the other party wins or loses.
Many see
applying ethics as a form of a sacrifice where they are making a loss rather
than a profit. A moral is a set of rules that you live by, whereas
self-interest is something you would automatically work toward since it
benefits you. The myth that profit garnering equals disadvantages for third
parties and the environment ought to be abolished and in its place, the truth
that morality and profit are neutral to each other should be propagandized. (Suchanek,
It is true that
firms and corporations are forced to work towards profit-maximization due to
the fact that they are in competition with many others, however the difference
between a moral business owner who focuses not only on his profits, but the
benefits of his investors as well, and an immoral one, is in what he chooses to
hide. Like magicians and their beautiful assistants, businessmen tend to use
gimmicks and colorful words to mask what isn’t told to their investors, and as
such, many get hooked on to the trap the moment they hear about the high return
rate, or the fact that the firm is backed by the government.
Gray Areas
A gray area, as
defined by John G. Bruhn, is “the border between two or more things that are
undefined, hard to define, impossible to define or where the border changes”.
It is said that ethical dilemmas have little to no chance of a win-win
situational outcome. The emergence of unethical behavior more often than not comes
about when there are transition periods, where vulnerability is exposed the
most. (Bruhn, 2009) You might wonder how a certain company is able to align its
values and even its employees to unethical methods of running the business.
Unethical behavior can be rationalized, inculcated and instilled by bringing
new members into such culture, therefore leading them to leaving that this
behavior has always been acceptable and normal. (Ashforth, 2001; Jackall,
Gray area
education is seen as an ethical issue because there are no laws or policies
binding them. As such, they can be used to exploit people with no consequences
attached. We have seen time and time again through history that human beings
cannot be trusted with power beyond repercussions. Gray area investment frauds
tend to lure people in through high return rates through witnesses who have
experienced the full returns, and after which, run off scot free.
Although gray
areas are mostly deemed as unscrupulous, deceitful and in some cases, illegal,
gray areas tend to help identify limits or boundaries of people’s behaviors.
Gray areas, as per the definition above, actually represents a blurred line
between what people should do and not do. It is an example that even laws have
flaws, and not everything can be set clearly into the dos and the don’ts. It is
practically impossible for people to devise policies or laws to cover all gray
areas. People deal with things differently, as all people are different. It is
through communication, transparency and a little bit of trust that both parties
work through gray area issues together.
the Unknown
Gray areas
usually have two major components: The organization’s ethical culture, and the
individual’s ethical choices. (Bruhn, 2009) It is mentioned that such problems
tend to be more prominent and frequent in organizations and companies where
ethical policies are not defined, let alone enforced. For example, in a country
where laws are few and punishments are not severe, the citizens have a wider
range of perspective on what is right and what is wrong, which leads them to
test the boundaries before they know where they should stop.
the other hand, an individual’s ethical choices cannot actually be evaluated
much, because the decisions and conversations are made between the employee and
the consumer. Thus many things are caught between the confidentiality of the
two persons and no evidence can be brought out pertaining to what was promised
and what was in black and white. Many people get caught up because investment
agents tend to possess the gift of the gab, rendering them able to say things
that deter you from the main subject and right into their trap. Their loyalty
and morality ends the moment you sign the dotted line and hand over the cash.
From there on, it’s just buying time, luring you deeper and deeper till they
catch their big fish.
areas are common everywhere, from businesses to investments, right to our
everyday lives. People do not usually want to solve these issues until certain
problems arise. Ultimately, since as customers, we have to be wary, it is up to
we to anticipate what procedures can be drawn up to better protect us from
these issues. Of course, not all investments are frauds and some are genuinely
out to serve a win-win situation where they look toward helping others as well
as themselves. However, at the same time, let’s not fool ourselves into seeing
the good in everyone because we all know how most human beings are.
Investment Frauds
The pyramid
scheme is one of the most popular, simple and widely used technique in the
world, especially since it is advertised as a simple sales technique. Investors
are promised a high return rate for just handing the money over and allowing their
money to do the work for them and at the same time, they will earn more for
every person they are able to rope in with them. As more and more people get
entrapped, the money used from the new investors will be used to pay back the
early investors as their “returns”.. At some point in time,
the scheme actually gets too big and they are unable to raise enough money to
finish paying all the early investors and many people end up losing money.
this scheme is the easiest way of scamming people who do not work for a living;
i.e. homemakers, housewives and the elderly. These people would want their
money to work for them, and would trust easily in the high return rate with the
chance to earn more by just bringing more of their friends into the scheme as
well. Though it is true that the earlier you invest, the chances of getting
back your money is higher, at the end of the day these schemes do not last and
people end up losing money to people who have no plans whatsoever to grow the
money they get.
The Ponzi
scheme, named for Charles Ponzi, was a type of pyramid scheme used to cheat
thousands of British people into investments. It follows the same principle as
any pyramid scheme where they take money from the new investors to pay off the
earlier investors. The difference between the Ponzi scheme and the usual
pyramid scheme is that usually in pyramid schemes, they have certain services
or products available that is used to rope people into the business. However,
the Ponzi scheme is strictly just pure investments that are used with no
purpose of providing any benefit for the investors, but just out to cheat their
Of course, even
with the figures fluctuating throughout the years, pyramid
schemes are still one of the biggest frauds around that are still capable of
exploiting people and yet not liable to be sued due to gray areas.
Investment Frauds
spread tampered information through a series of means including the internet,
information boards, online newsletters or even chat rooms. An invention such as
the internet may be a positive development in essence, but trust people to turn
it into a way to make certain off-shore scams simple to execute yet difficult
to track as they are usually located in a different location altogether. There
have even been instances where intricate web pages were made just to feign
genuineness. An internet investment fraud can also take place through e-mail or
even over the phone.
This scheme
targets peoples’ weakness for quick earnings with little or no effort at all. As
the internet is usually known as the place where people get their answers, many
believe that everything on the internet is true, especially if it is made to
look extremely legitimate. More often than not, people forget the usefulness of
physical human contact in a money-related transaction. Anything on the internet
can be falsified and even edited sometimes with the use of high-end editing
software in the market.
An affinity
fraud is an investment scam where the fraudster takes time to blend into a
community of people, be it religious, ethnic, elderly or even professional
groups. These are the worst kind of people because they pretend to be members
within that group, gain your trust and thereafter promote the schemes. Sometimes
they go through the leaders of that group as well so as to heighten credibility
and these leaders are sometimes victims of the schemes as well.
The affinity
fraud has evolved through time where some people don’t even target groups, but
even individual people. Many stories have happened where younger ladies tend to
gain the trust of older men by luring them into a trap of a relationship,
thereafter saying that they require money for one of their family’s medical
surgeries or emergencies. After the money is lent, the victim is left without
an answer and the perpetrator runs away scot-free.
A promissory
note is given as a form of IOU after a debt or loan is received from an investor
by a company. In an occasion where the company honors its word and pays back,
promissory notes can be indicated as an investment, since there is usually
annual interest paid as well. However, many of these promissory notes are
promoted to unsuspecting individuals who end up receiving a piece of paper that
holds no power, even in a court of law. Things to take note while dealing with
investments like these would be that established companies usually would have
certain relationships with financial institutions such as banks to allow them simpler
modes of borrowing and payment.
Many people tend
to think that as long as it is in black and white, it is legitimate and can
hold value. Although that may be true in most cases, there are chances where
you might be outnumbered and sometimes to the extent of having the facts turned
just because the other party might claim to have witnesses, whereas all you
have is your own memory and a written piece of paper that could be claimed as
and Evaluation
These are the different aspects of
business ethics and morality that I have researched in respect to investments.
Each section aims to explain the different processes undergone, from
recognizing certain investment frauds, understanding the mindsets and gray area
utilization, to knowing the basic rules of ethics and morality that should be
upheld by a business. At the end of the day, the decision of commitment lies on
you, and it will require your judgment call on whether the venture will be a
strategic move or not, whether it will end in success or failure.
The points discussed in this paper
paint an adequate, if not bright picture of the basic requirements necessary
for humanity to regain its conscience in this world, where people will be able
to head back to the time where even the thought of cheating wouldn’t even enter
a person’s mind, let alone be carried out at the expense of others. These are
certain things that shouldn’t even be warned about since there shouldn’t be
such a system in place since we are all human beings on this earth together
fighting to live.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The information provided in this
paper seek to provide basic understanding, if not enlightenment on the
proceedings leading to an investments, for people who want to know more than
just the dos and don’ts when it comes to investments. Rather than just being
told what to do and what not to do, understanding actually leads people to make
more rational decisions in the long run. Having been in the same situation before,
receiving the end of a “business failure”, where the owner of the company is
still living in luxury, I fully understand what it is like getting cheated, or
even having family or relatives who are in the same situation. Therefore, I
hope the repercussions of this paper will be one of education and purpose,
where people will be able to make better informed decisions during investment
This paper should be used as a
guideline when making deductions about a company, checking for certain
loopholes in the value system or whether an individual can be trusted. On top
of that, understanding the mindsets of the opposite party will help in certain
psychological skills when faced with a situation where interests are at a
conflict. More often than not, rather than looking for a win-win situation,
everyone heads into the business looking for a win-lose because it is basic
instinct that for one to gain, another must lose.
Apart from that, always remember to
re-evaluate the decisions made by taking some time to think it over. Usually,
the temptation of quick money tends to blind us into making a decision fast for
fear of it going to someone else. However, that is one of the tricks that are
usually played on us in order to make sure that the fraud takes place in the
Investments, big or small, can be a
heavy price to pay especially since the hard-earned money is so easily received
on their end, yet the feeling of a loss on your part coupled with betrayal can
do more than just financial damage, but it can also injure your emotional
being. Investments can be a turning point for our lives, good or bad, and all
it takes is a misjudgment to make the mistake that could affect a lifetime.
Gaurav Akrani (2011/08). Principles of Business
Ethics. Retrieved from
John G. Bruhn (2009). The Functionality of Gray Area
Ethics in Organizations. DOI 10.1007. Retrieved
Jackall R. (1988). Moral Mazes: The World
of Corporate Managers. Oxford University
Press, New York. Retrieved from book.
Ashforth B. E. (2001). Role Transitions in
Organizational Life: An Identity-Based Perspective. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ. Retrieved from book.
Author unknown (Date unknown). Common Types of
Investment Fraud. Retrieved from
Appendix A
exploitation of customers
or exploiting customers through bad business practices
in unscrupulous activities for the sake of greed to earn exorbitant profits
healthy competition
attempts to malign and spoil the images of competitors by unfair means
and verifying the accuracy in supplying products to customers
taxes regularly
taxes and other charges or duties to the government honestly and regularly
accounts audited
accurate business records, accounts and have them available to authorities
treatment to employees
fair wages or salaries, providing facilities and incentives to employees
investors informed
reliable information to shareholders and investors
injustice and discrimination
injustice and partiality to certain people or race
bribe or corruption
giving expensive gifts, secret commissions or payoffs as a bribe to anyone
secret agreement
making any secret agreement or arrangement with anyone else for controlling
service before profit
the principle of “service first and profit next.”
fair business
your business fair, humane, efficient and dynamic
forming private monopolies and concentration of economic power
customers’ expectations
your business activities per the demands, needs and expectations of customers
consumer rights
full respect and honor to the basic rights of the consumers
social responsibilities
the responsibilities towards the different social groups
consumers’ wants
out and satisfying the wants of consumers and making it the main objective of
the business
more importance to service and consumer’s satisfaction and less to
group interests
the interests of the group; which includes employees to stakeholders
utilization of resources
better and optimum utilization of resources to increase the standard of
of business
pure, legal and sacred means to do business without illegal, unscrupulous or
evil methods
Woodrow Wilson’s rules
important principles of business ethics
1. Rule
of publicity: Businesses will tell people what they are going to do without misunderstanding
or doubt
2. Rule
of equivalent price: Customer must be given proper value for their money
3. Rule
of conscience in business: Businessmen must have a moral sense of judging
what is right or wrong
4. Rule
of spirit of service: Business must give priority to render service to human
beings over profit
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