
Had an idea to head to the Han River for a picnic since going to Caribbean Bay was not going to work out as the weather was being a little bitch. Gathered together in the afternoon, rented a mat and then found a spot with a thin tree for some shade. (All other leafier trees were taken). Sat down, ordered some chiiiiiicken and pizza and just relaxed. The place was really packed, as this is a summer thing that Koreans love doing.

Played some cards, talked and just took some time to relax and enjoy the weather. It was really hot when we got there but towards 5pm when the sun set, the air was breezy and it was just the sounds of kids, laughter and serenity. 

Well, we were bored after that and didn't know what else to do so I suggested walking to the Banpo bridge where we could watch the water fountain, and so we packed up and got ready to walk towards the bridge. From the map, it looked like it took 3 huge bridges to reach Banpo, but if you scrolled in there were a total of 9 bridges. Didn't know that and thought we could conquer the entire thing in 2 hours. Ended up taking a cab there, and to make matters worse we missed the entire thing lol.

It was fun to have walked through and taken many photos along the way though.

Cheers to a wonderful Summer outing~

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