
So there was a festival called 대동제 held from May 13-15 with Akaraka ending it with a bang. (Akaraka is Yonsei University's festival concert and it's one of the top 5 university concerts). Anyway, since I was located in Songdo campus, I got really lazy to head down on Wednesday, and only went down on Thursday to watch the performance held by my classmates! Went down in the late afternoon around 4pm where it wasn't too sunny, neither was it too late.

The place was packed, everyone was walking around, some were setting up their booths and some were just taking part in activities. My class's booth was held the day before, so on Thursday was just the performance. There were many performances around, including bands, rock bands, traditional instruments and such.. It was 3 weeks after our mid-terms and this was the period where all the project deadlines were at, and people really needed to let off some steam.

It was a pretty great day. Sat down to have some makgeoli and pancakes with Nicole whilst waiting for the performances to start. On top of that, to take better photos I needed the leverage of heightened ground. I managed to find this foldable chair which I could stand on, however the performances hadn't started so I ended up carrying it everywhere with me.

A booth with games, where if you win the people tending the booths, you get prizes.

Another booth where you had to clear certain physical tests to get prizes.

Throughout the day, there were many different performances, ranging from singing to dancing

Apparently this guy is a senior who is a singer now, and he came back for a little performance.

And now, for our class's performances. The name of the performance was called Ecstasy, basically because our class's name is 환락 which essentially means pleasure, or ecstasy. The posters/advertisements were really well made and it looks amazing! 

The first performance by the girls

Another song from another group of girls.

Let me save you the trouble, even if I wrote their names here, you probably wouldn't know or remember, so I'll save them the embarrassment of having their names up here on my blog. On top of that, I am really bad with kpop songs, dances and names so.... I'll just let the photos do the talking without any captioning because I swear, I can't remember which dances were to which songs...

There were a total of 7? or 8? dance performances and then they ended it off with a little speech. I'm pretty amazed with the effort put in, the amount of hours they took to practice and the costumes. In essence, I feel that my days of playing so hard have gone behind me, and I'm sort of having a different mindset as compared to people who are 4-6 years younger than me. The thought of drinking through the night till the sun comes up once in a blue moon would be fun, but doing it every other day haunts me. I dream of nights where I can sleep whenever I feel sleep coming, and days are spent watching movies, having good meals and just enjoying the simplicity of life.

Oh yea, before I end, props to 배장환 and his friend who were selling these roasted potatoes. They were extremely delicious, and we had to put salt and sugar on top of it. It was too much so I ended up giving them away to people I met along the way back.

Till next time!

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